Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sources of Inspiration

There are many special people in life, and in time, each will reveal itself with a post of their very own. But for today I'm going to focus on my two special nieces, they know who they are but I'll give you a hint (O & V/C).  Over the years we have developed a bond that gets closer as we get older. And ironically the table has somewhat since they've reached adult, they are 21 and 18 respectively.  What I mean by the table has turned is that when they were younger I was the one giving the support and shoulder to lean on (or I tried to anyway), but now they are ones giving me the support and shoulder as I look to re-enter the job market after taking two years off to follow my dreams of becoming a hairstylist.  I'm in midlife career crisis.  What can I say. Back to the nieces. I am proud of them, especially in light of the adversities they face and continue to face. I know they are not the first ones to come from a broken home, but somehow when it's your own family, the heartache & sadness pulsates more strongly. But they have given me more strength then they realize and maybe its one of the reasons I chose not to have children of my own. I know that many women say being a mother changes you, and I'm here to say being an Aunt to these two special girls changed me and they continue to be a source of inspiration to what may become of me as I chart a new course in my ever changing roadmap to what I want to be when I growup.   

1 comment:

  1. Who are these wonderful nieces you are talking of? LOL!~ EMO!! I LOVE YOU! :D
    we will always be there for you! even when I'm in California!~ we have each others back :P
    xoxoxoxoxoxooxoxxoxoxoxoxoxo coraline <3
